Monday, February 11, 2013

Out of Phase With Disease!

copyright 2013 by Greg Nichols

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Because of Divine revelation and.........

the glory of God it causes to manifest....I am out of phase, out of sync, out of frequency range and out of touch with sickness and disease....the vibrations of the sounds of God's voice and the power of His Word resonate and pulse through me....24/7, my very body chemistry and electrical synapses and neurotransmitters are off and mis-aligned with the devilish synchronization from evil that the world functions in....all that is in me is tuned to Heaven...satan does not have a clue why he can't touch you think Jesus walked in this? Well, listen to His words....."Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." John 14:30 How about you? Bless His name forever!

We were given the glory.... 

of Heaven upon our New Birth. We did not get a part of God, for He is His glory, we got all of Him. As Divine revelation explodes in us of what we have been given as an inheritance, we are able to release the glory in supernatural wonder. But here is a key: We must put away every last bit of the pride of life, a besetting sin, only with God's help, and be a broken vessel, and the broken son or daughter of God will emit great glory. You are on that path.  As the glory shines out of you, and flows out through faith, it blasts any attacks of the enemy continually making you a hedged up fortress of God's Holy protection.

Read the post up at the archive links titled "2012" for practical ways to increase the glory in you and to resist disease!   

Greg Nichols

See an exciting teaching on God's Angels!

See how to remove addictions biblically!