Saturday, April 5, 2014

Q & A On Divine Healing from Greg Nichols


Q: Can everyone get healed? A: Yes, absolutely. 

Q: Does everyone get healed? A: Yes, either on this side of Heaven's veil, or on the other side!

(Explanation:  Jesus told most that He healed, "your faith has made you whole."  Just the same, believers often tend to not want to make it a quest to find out the truth they need to receive their healings, or they have blockages of unforgiveness or other emotional issues and baggage that make it difficult for them to move into the faith they need for healing.  When that takes place, God can bring them to Heaven for an ultimate restoration.  It is not God's best, as one more death from disease preaches and promotes satan's anti-gospel.  When one person suffers or loses a battle, we all suffer, and we all lose.  When a person gets their miracle and beats disease, the whole world gains.)


Q: Greg, why are you so doggone interested in healing people with God's power?

A: You better ask Jesus that one. He is steering this ship, but I have a hint. While on earth, that is what He did with most of His time, as God and man, the Sovereign God of the Universe! He healed people with God's power, and pushed ahead in it, regardless of who thought what!!

More to follow!


Go here to be uplifted in healing. Like the page there!

Go listen to this special audio teaching from me, Greg Nichols, or share it with someone who is desperately ill. There is ministry and some words over people who may listen, God is in on that, I am sure.

(You need Windows Media Player to open it.) 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Man Healed of Heart Arrhythmia Just through Phone Call He Was Not On!!

Testimony Shared by Greg Nichols : 

I don't share everything I see God do in healing, but sometimes I feel I should share an event because someone needs to hear it. I got to pray for a man on Monday by phone who was suffering from ongoing heart trouble and would have arrhythmia frequently, in his case the heart would beat super fast and cause great pain.... it was so bad that he was scheduled by doctors for a pacemaker in June. This man did not approach me, a friend of his did. The friend told him he was going to call me and the friend and I prayed together on the phone and we passionately and earnestly prayed the prayer of faith. When done, I told him to go to his ailing friend and tell him we prayed. When he did, the friend wanted to know the time we prayed. The reason for that was because he was having an attack while we prayed, but something came over him during the attack and stopped it short, and great peace came over him, but no issues, no arrhythmia. That got his attention.

A few days later, the friend called me. Still no attacks. Praise God. Sometimes I feel that healing flows best when no one gets in the way, including me. I believe God is wanting to bring much more manifestation of healing than we are getting. I believe He is looking for vessels or channels of available people who will let Him use them without having an opinion, or a preconceived notion, or an expectancy that is incorrect..... phone praying works well because your five senses can't get much involved to shut down your faith, for faith is only spiritual, it is not emotional or sensual or sight oriented. I don't understand much, but the understanding I am getting is motivating... that an explosion of healing is awaiting us.... that the ceiling above is not there, that Heaven is open, that God is patiently waiting for us to get it, and get it well! Holy Spirit, show me what else I need to see..... to break it all loose.... in Jesus name!!

Greg and Debbie Nichols

Scripture Knowledge Important to Receive the Promises!

 I am absolutely amazed at how many believers do not know much scripture. Do you see this too? I often talk to Christian people and share something with them and see their shock that the passage or concept is in the Bible. It seems that many are in love with the idea of having the scripture more than in love with scripture. I do not understand how a person believes they can have any victory in their Christian walk apart from knowing God's Word. Then, people say they love Jesus, but Jesus and the Bible, God's Word, are quite indivisible. To love Jesus is to love the Word. When Jesus was tempted by satan, He fell back on the Word, saying, "It is written..." If the Son of God needed a detailed and full knowledge of scripture to overcome satan, how can we settle for light scripture knowledge and hope to win over evil? When the Sadducees came to Jesus to try to stump Him about marriage in Heaven, He replied, "Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?" Mark 12:24 To me, this says to be bankrupt of scripture is to be bankrupt of the power of God. 

Even Divine healing is done by the Word of God, instead of God Himself. "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Psalm 107:20 That is God's way. The Holy Spirit has been instructed to perform the Word for us. That is, the Word that we know, and use, and speak out in faith. "Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it." Jeremiah 1:12 Our knowledge of scripture is everything to our walks, and exactly what we need to activate God's grace in our lives. Ministers in the modern Church hold back from sharing the pure Word of God, because it tastes bitter at first to a carnal mind, for it is as unleavened bread, and an acquired taste. Ministers hold seeker friendly goals above their desire to preach the pure Word, which will set people free. What do you think about the Word, and today's practices from pulpits all over America? Comment for me below if you want. I will close here with a scriptural flow where God unequivocally tells us and shows us how to access His promises and grace and miracles and breakthrough. (Words in parentheses are mine for emphasis - each place you see one, God is speaking of scripture and your knowledge of it)

"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge (Word) of God, and of Jesus our Lord, (Word) According as his divine power hath given unto us all things (Word) that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge (Word) of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: (Word) that by these (Word) ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 Peter 1:2-4 

Bless Jesus and His Word forever!

Greg Nichols 

The Ministry of A.A. Allen in California - Signs and Wonders!

From Greg Nichols:    I wanted to give space on my blog here to this great man of God, A.A. Allen, who traveled around ministering and healing in the 1950's.   Enjoy this account of his adventures in God, and read the testimonies, all glory to Jesus.      Greg Nichols

Excerpts from the book.... THE PRICE OF GOD’S MIRACLE WORKING POWER... by A.A. Allen
pg 16-19

At this writing, I am conducting a "BACK TO GOD HEALING REVIVAL" at Calvary Temple in Oakland, California. Many say it is the greatest REVIVAL in the history of Oakland. Hundreds say that they have never witnessed such a dynamic moving of the power of God. The meeting is now in its fifth great week. From the growing interest and increasing attendance the meeting could, no doubt, continue indefinitely.

Night after night, the waves of Divine Glory so sweep over the congregation that many testify of being healed while sitting in their seats. Again and again as we have felt the mighty power of God settling over the meeting, people have risen to their feet to testify of instant healings, some of which are visibly miraculous, such as outward tumors disappearing, the crippled made whole.

I have felt goiters disappear at the touch of my hand in Jesus' name!
The shouts of victory are many as the blind see. One woman testified, "It was like coming out of the dark into the sunlight."

We prayed for a woman with throat trouble. After a few moments, she was seen hurrying to the ladies rest room. After returning to the auditorium, she testified that after prayer, something came loose out of her throat and came up into her mouth. she had hurried to the rest room to dispose of it. It was some kind of foreign growth (doubtless cancer) -- whitish orange in color.

Ruptures as large as a person's fist have disappeared overnight. Cancer, deafness, tumors, goiters, sugar diabetes, every known disease and many unknown, disappear, as in the name of Jesus, we lay hands upon the sick. Genuine healings are proven in many cases by doctors' statements and x-rays.

We stand in holy awe, and marvel at the miracle working power of God, as it has moved night after night from the very beginning of this meeting. Hundreds have been delivered from the power of the enemy -- saved, healed, or filled with the Spirit.

In this meeting, it has been impossible to have what is generally termed a "healing line". At least ninety percent of those upon whom we have laid hands are prostrated under the mighty power of God immediately. Some dance a few steps, or weave drunkenly under the power of the Spirit before falling. (See Jer. 23:9). Under these circumstances, it is impossible to have people march on after prayer. This is the mighty power of God moving upon the people. It is the same power that caused John to "fall at his feet as dead". (Rev. 1:17.)

Many say that the most outstanding thing about this meeting is that such a large percentage of the sick are receiving such miraculous deliverance. It would be a conservative estimate to say that at least ninety percent, or even more of those prayed for have been marvelously healed.

Tonight's service was designated "Holy Ghost Night." Calvary Temple was packed to the doors, with people sitting on the altar benches.

(This is being written at 2:00 am after a great Holy Ghost service.) Eternity alone will reveal the number of people who were filled or refilled with the Spirit. We had announced that in this service, hands would be laid upon seekers for the infilling of the Spirit, according to Acts 8:17. After the sermon, all who had not already been filled during the service came down the outside aisle in a line. With only a few exceptions, everyone we touched in the name of Jesus fell prostrate. What an unusual sight to stand on the platform afterwards, and look upon the many "slain of the Lord" in every available altar space, and even down the aisles! Sweeter yet, the sound of the heavenly music of voices raised in united praise to God, as the Spirit filled obedient believers, and they began to speak in new tongues and magnify God. (Mark 16:17; Acts 10:46)

End of excerpt!

Greg and Debbie Nichols 

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Word is Who Heals Us! (by Greg Nichols)

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I have a co-worker who was sick every week and missing too much work to be able to even keep the job. He kept getting the flu, viral symptoms, cold, chest congestion, sinus, aches, stay in bed kind of stuff....I laid hands on him one day and he felt better. But he would relapse back into it. One day he asked for prayer, and I told him, "I don't heal anyone. It comes from God. But to be honest, God does not heal either. It is rather His Word that heals us." I had this man's attention. He was desperate. He never heard this before. Most Christians have never heard, "God does not heal, His Word does." But listen to this scripture: "He sent His Word and healed them of all their destructions." Psalm 107. That verse reveals a way of God. I suppose I will make some religious people mad here, to say God does not heal. But God in Creation never left Himself to have to repeat an act over and over, like creating another human after Adam or Eve. He used reproduction through seeds. Mark 4 says the Word of the Kingdom is as if a man should cast seed into the ground, and how it comes up, he knows not how. I saw my co-worker have a light bulb of revelation go off. He was getting this. 

There is power in every Bible passage about healing from God. " His stripes you were healed...." drips with life giving anointing and Holy Spirit power. When we speak and mutter and declare, these Words from God, we are releasing God's power out of that Word. I was going to write some scriptures down for my friend, but instead, I text-ed him some. He gets up every morning and prays over them, with cell phone next to him, and prays them over himself. He has not been sick again since this light bulb went off. That was 5-6 weeks ago. This man has fullness of joy, I saw him dance, literally one night like a man on fire and set free. I got to teach this man to the saying goes. You see, with reverence to God, let me say that the Word is a legal document ratified by the Cross of Jesus Christ. So we are healed through Christ. The Apostle Paul always said everything we do is "through or in Christ." That is very true. But God expects us to use His Word like I described here, and this is His way, and we cannot or must not circumvent His ways. Maybe you just got the same light bulb. If you did, go after the Word now and until Jesus returns, and watch how much health you stay in too! Bless Jesus forever!

Go "Like" Greg Nichols at Facebook for more great teachings!

Visit the Healing Place in Roseville, California.

Visit Greg and Debbie Nichols' ministry website!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Enjoying the Old Covenant of Healing Now!

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God is so loving, when He nullified the keeping of the law of the Old Covenant, and nailed the ordinances (laws) of it to the Cross, He kept in motion and alive all the promises of the Old Covenant for our benefit. It is an extraordinary thing He did... this is why Jesus said, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:18 My favorite healing scriptures are in the Old Covenant. 

"Bless the Lord oh my soul, who forgives all my iniquities, and heals all of my diseases." Psalm 103   ".......He sent his Word and healed them..." Psalm 107   "My Words are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh!" Proverbs 4      And my all time favorite: "I am the Lord that heals you." Exodus 15. 

It was here in Exodus that God introduced the first covenant of healing to His people, when Moses took them to Marah, which means bitter waters. The water could not be drank for being so bitter. God told Moses to throw a small tree into the water, and God did a miracle and made the water sweet. This occurrence is a type and shadow of the future. The bitter water signifies our bitter old nature, and the tree signifies the Cross of Christ, and the water being made sweet signifies our Redemption and New Birth, for God makes us sweet like Him.  The secondary prophetic insight at Marah is this:  Our illnesses are like bitter water.  A bitterness sets itself into our bodies and soul, and the healing power of God was symbolized by the tree thrown into the bitter water, or, the very Cross of Christ itself (made of a tree) is healing to the bitterness of sickness in our souls and body. God heals the sickness and makes the body sweet again, and that health is a sweetness to your soul. Out of our spirit and into our soul flows rivers of living water of His Spirit, healing any attack on the body.  

God told them at Marah that if they would keep His Word (law) and do it, He would heal them continually for life, for all generations. You and I as New Covenant believers are still reaping the Marah promises and the first covenant of healing as well as the New Covenant of healing. When God says you must keep the law to get the Marah benefits, that now means you must walk in faith in the New Covenant. When you have faith, any kind of faith, for anything, Old or New Covenant, you fulfill all the law. That is why it is impossible to please Him without faith. (Hebrews 11) HE IS THE LORD WHO HEALS YOU! He wants to heal you. The healing is a done deal in the New Covenant, past tense. But next time you get a symptom, throw an Old Covenant promise at it, for fun, fight back with, "it is written..." Each phrase, each sentence, each verse is power packed with heaven's seed which produces supernatural healing of the body. When sickness comes at you, and you have the power of two Covenants behind you, then say NO, based on what you KNOW!   Bless Jesus forever!

Greg Nichols 

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Lodged Ear Plug Testimony - God's Supernatural!

Greg Nichols

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Many people think that a supernatural Christianity was just for the Bible days, and that it would not be needed today. Since my New Birth, I have never lived in a non supernatural Christianity, nor would I. To me, to live without the miraculous in the Church would be a nice club or organization like the VFW Hall or the PTA. Our God can do anything, and He wants to do it through us, and that means miracles. Unless satan and demons and evil have disappeared from this planet, which they haven't, we still need the spiritual tools God gave the Apostles and the early Church. 

A friend of mine told me yesterday that yesterday morning he had earplugs in his ears from the night's sleep, and the left one got stuck, the other one came out. He tried for a long time to get it out to no avail. He then figured he may need to go to the emergency room. But he got on his knees and prayed for God to do whatever it took to get that plug out. As he closed the prayer, and said "amen," he also said, "hallelujah," and as he said that, the plug popped out of his ear on its own. Now, that does not seem like much to some of you facing huge trials and issues and maladies, but that is exactly why I share it. It was a big deal to God, enough to give my friend a miracle over it. Trust God in the small things, and it will be easier to do in the big things. My friend tapped the gift of the Holy Spirit, "the working of miracles." It could have been a "word of wisdom" too, because God gave him the right word to say. (1 Corinthians 12:8-10) Why not you today too?   Why not?              Bless Jesus forever!

Greg Nichols

Radiation of God's Spirit and Power!

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Radiation Therapy: We can understand God and His Heavenly Divine power and ministry of that power better by looking at earthly things. Electricity is an example. Man did not invent it, God made it. Just as electrical power can shoot through a person, so can God's power. Just as electrical current can short out through its conductor, so God's power can short out occasionally through a human conductor. 

Look at radiation. Just as doctors use radiation to shrink tumors, God's power can shrink or dissolve tumors and other disease issues in or on the body. Are you chronically or terminally ill? Even if it is just the cold/flu or a nagging cough,get someone to lay hands on you or get in one of my meetings where my wife and I can pray for you with the laying on of hands.  The laying on of hands is God's radiation therapy, dissolving sickness, tumors, cancer, blood disease, arthritis, and renewing and rebuilding bones, body parts, old injuries, addictions, sins, habits, and much much more. Don't have healing minister nearby?  Close your eyes and lift your hands to Heaven, and allow the Omnipotent God of Heaven to shoot His Divine radiation through your being and receive healing by faith. Do it now!

God is for you.  He is faithful.

Greg Nichols

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Divine Healing Nuggets and Audio!!

Jesus raising Jarius daughter from the dead!

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Be a Consider-Naut:

"...And being not weak in faith, he (Abraham)  "considered not" his own body now dead...."   Romans 4 

Go get your healing like Abraham! You are a consider-naut!! That kind of person only considers the Word of God!  Make God's Word become higher in your focus than your own body or its symptoms!   Are you ruled by sense knowledge, which is also called, flesh ruled, or will you be led and ruled by your faith which emanates from your human spirit, and is based on God's unchanging Word? 

Doctors will never give you a spiritual ruling on your case.  Theirs is a flesh ruling, a sense knowledge ruling.  Only God's Word can do that, and it can trump and overrule what doctors say in the sense realm.  It is good to let a doctor tell you what is wrong, and then ask God to restore you!  We do not teach to ignore and depart from doctor's advice, and we would never do that, or deny needed medical help, we just believe in using an even higher power, for faith absolutely overrules fact! 

Go listen to this special teaching from me, Greg Nichols, or share it with someone who is desperately ill. There is ministry and some words over people who may listen, God is in on that, I am sure.

(You need Windows Media Player to open it.) 

Greg Nichols

Friday, January 31, 2014

Two Blocks to Healing and Blessings!

Two blocks I see to being blessed with healing or even being blessed financially are: 1) Religious thinking, and 2) ignorance. On the first reason, religion is having inordinate affection for a form of God and His Kingdom rather than relational living with and knowing the real God. The religious make a bondage out of everything, like prayer, Word study, going to church, kind of the way the Pharisees exalted washing pots and cups and law-keeping and visual appearances of tithing and giving instead of discerning the fact that they had Christ in their presence, physically. If you get sick, a religious person is quick to point out, as Job's friends did, that God is teaching you a lesson. If you speak of God blessing financially, a religious person might say that prosperity teachings are evil, even though God wove threads of abundance promises all through scripture for His own children. But that same religious person will try anything to get rid of their own sickness, an operation, medicine, 2nd opinions by doctors, and thereby abort the very lessons they believe God is teaching. How foolish of a belief system. That same person who says God does not prosper his children will send their kids to the best colleges for the highest paying jobs, or enter the lottery, or attempt "get rich schemes" because, in their minds, prosperity is OK as long as it does not involve God. 

That leads me to discuss the root of religious thinking and my 2nd reason for blocking blessings. Ignorance. If people think God must come down to heal us, when healing was paid for at the Cross and is a past tense reality and is already ours, that will block their healing. What they need is that "now" revelation and then raw Bible faith in it. God's people perish for a lack of knowledge. If we know that God will financially bless His kids, daily, when we get up in the AM, we would act, speak, believe and pray quite differently, and ignorance would become a thing of the past, and grace (blessings) and peace (fulfillment) would be multiple to us through the knowledge of Him, Christ Jesus, and all the promises (abundance) in Him are yes and Amen! 

Bless His name forever!

Greg Nichols

A Believer's Healing Vision!

I believe that my body is a vessel of His glory, that His power flows out of my very pores, that as I imagine, plead, declare and meditate the blood of Christ, it frees up more of my flesh to house God and His glory, that God is processing me for greater anointing, He is making me a dynamo, that sinless-ness is mine through forgiveness instead of practice, until my being is a magnet and an outsource of healing power, that in person, my look, my glance, my countenance heals, my touch has healing, and in or out of context, my voice heals, that I can send healing for miles, that my partnership with Omnipresence causes me to be able to heal, even around the globe, by phone, by computer, that my recorded voice will heal, years after it was spoken, that as I come into a room, faith is ignited in others.......wait, I am describing Jesus, in His earthly walk, and I am describing me, and any of you who can believe for this too!  Our potential has no limits! 
"For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s." 1 Corinthians 6:20 

Bless Jesus forever!

Greg Nichols

Heavenly Vibrations of God's Word!

Because of Divine Revelation and the glory of God it causes to manifest in my body, I am out of phase, out of sync, out of frequency range and out of touch with sickness and disease.  The vibrations of the sounds of God's voice and the power of His Word resonate and pulse through me 24/7, my very body chemistry and electrical synapses and neuro transmitters are off and mis-aligned with the devilish synchronization from evil that the world functions in. My voice gives God a voice in me. I speak His Rhema Word and it is life to me.

All that is in me is tuned to Heaven. Satan does not have a clue why he can't touch me. Do you think Jesus walked in this? Well, listen to His words:  

"Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me."   John 14:30 

How about you?   

Bless His name forever!

Greg Nichols 

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