Sunday, February 2, 2014

Radiation of God's Spirit and Power!

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Radiation Therapy: We can understand God and His Heavenly Divine power and ministry of that power better by looking at earthly things. Electricity is an example. Man did not invent it, God made it. Just as electrical power can shoot through a person, so can God's power. Just as electrical current can short out through its conductor, so God's power can short out occasionally through a human conductor. 

Look at radiation. Just as doctors use radiation to shrink tumors, God's power can shrink or dissolve tumors and other disease issues in or on the body. Are you chronically or terminally ill? Even if it is just the cold/flu or a nagging cough,get someone to lay hands on you or get in one of my meetings where my wife and I can pray for you with the laying on of hands.  The laying on of hands is God's radiation therapy, dissolving sickness, tumors, cancer, blood disease, arthritis, and renewing and rebuilding bones, body parts, old injuries, addictions, sins, habits, and much much more. Don't have healing minister nearby?  Close your eyes and lift your hands to Heaven, and allow the Omnipotent God of Heaven to shoot His Divine radiation through your being and receive healing by faith. Do it now!

God is for you.  He is faithful.

Greg Nichols

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