Sunday, February 2, 2014

Enjoying the Old Covenant of Healing Now!

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God is so loving, when He nullified the keeping of the law of the Old Covenant, and nailed the ordinances (laws) of it to the Cross, He kept in motion and alive all the promises of the Old Covenant for our benefit. It is an extraordinary thing He did... this is why Jesus said, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matthew 5:18 My favorite healing scriptures are in the Old Covenant. 

"Bless the Lord oh my soul, who forgives all my iniquities, and heals all of my diseases." Psalm 103   ".......He sent his Word and healed them..." Psalm 107   "My Words are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh!" Proverbs 4      And my all time favorite: "I am the Lord that heals you." Exodus 15. 

It was here in Exodus that God introduced the first covenant of healing to His people, when Moses took them to Marah, which means bitter waters. The water could not be drank for being so bitter. God told Moses to throw a small tree into the water, and God did a miracle and made the water sweet. This occurrence is a type and shadow of the future. The bitter water signifies our bitter old nature, and the tree signifies the Cross of Christ, and the water being made sweet signifies our Redemption and New Birth, for God makes us sweet like Him.  The secondary prophetic insight at Marah is this:  Our illnesses are like bitter water.  A bitterness sets itself into our bodies and soul, and the healing power of God was symbolized by the tree thrown into the bitter water, or, the very Cross of Christ itself (made of a tree) is healing to the bitterness of sickness in our souls and body. God heals the sickness and makes the body sweet again, and that health is a sweetness to your soul. Out of our spirit and into our soul flows rivers of living water of His Spirit, healing any attack on the body.  

God told them at Marah that if they would keep His Word (law) and do it, He would heal them continually for life, for all generations. You and I as New Covenant believers are still reaping the Marah promises and the first covenant of healing as well as the New Covenant of healing. When God says you must keep the law to get the Marah benefits, that now means you must walk in faith in the New Covenant. When you have faith, any kind of faith, for anything, Old or New Covenant, you fulfill all the law. That is why it is impossible to please Him without faith. (Hebrews 11) HE IS THE LORD WHO HEALS YOU! He wants to heal you. The healing is a done deal in the New Covenant, past tense. But next time you get a symptom, throw an Old Covenant promise at it, for fun, fight back with, "it is written..." Each phrase, each sentence, each verse is power packed with heaven's seed which produces supernatural healing of the body. When sickness comes at you, and you have the power of two Covenants behind you, then say NO, based on what you KNOW!   Bless Jesus forever!

Greg Nichols 

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